By Christina Schultz Come celebrate love of all kinds at Berlin’s fabulous and world famous Gay Pride Parade and Festival: Christopher Street Day (CSD)! The PRIDE PARADE takes place tomorrow, on SATURDAY, 28 JULY 2018 at 12:00. Hundreds of thousands of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, trans*sexuals, trans*gender, intersexuals, other queers (LGBTTIQ*) and allies will be hitting the streets on 28 July 2018. What started out as a small, but impressive march with 400 participants decades ago has developed into a forceful political mass rally and a mighty beacon for freedom and human rights. According to the CSD website, there are 59 trucks and 49 walking groups in the parade this year who will pass out information, play great music, give away goodies and spread the love! Don't miss this chance to show your support for the LGBTTIQ* community and to have a great time! The parade route begins at Kurfürstendamm/Joachimsthaler Straße and ends up on Straße des 17. Juni between 15:00 and 17:00 in time for the rally at the main stage at the iconic Brandenburg Gate. For more information about CSD:
To purchase CSD merch: To donate to CSD: Here are some of trucks 59 participating in the parade with their numbers - click on the names below to find out more information about these LGBTQ* organizations and companies promoting diversity and inclusion! (most of the sites are in Deutsch and in English) 1 Berliner CSD e.V. 3 Berliner Aids-Hilfe e.V. 4 Schwulenberatung Berlin 5 BMW Group DIVERSE 11 queer*human (LGBTTIQ*-AG im Humanistischen Verband Berlin-Brandenburg KdöR) 15 Deutsche Bank AG | dbPride 16 Lesben und Schwule in der BVG 17 OUT tv 23 PRIDE@SIEMENS Berlin 27 Ikea diversity 40 Jugend gegen Aids e.V. 41 USA Botschaft Berlin / GLIFAA 43 Pride@SAP 48 United in Pride, Diversity Group der eBay GmbH 53 PayPal Pride 56 Gemeinsam mehr e.V. / Radio QueerLive / die Busche So...who's joining us in Berlin tomorrow? If you're there, don't forget to look for yours truly on the Deutsche Bank truck!