It’s that time again. We need your help compiling our list of film festivals from all over the world with a focus on women, feminism, or the LGBTQ+ community! This week, we have a list of festivals from Oceania. It's pretty short so please help us expand this list by sending us the names of any festivals not on our list, including a link to the festival's website if possible. You can do so in the comments below, on Instagram or on Facebook. OCEANIA
Philippines Purple Pixels: Women in the Indie Film Frontier TasmaniaStranger With My Face (Hobart) Australia For Film’s Sake (FFS) Festival Seen and Heard Film Festival (Sydney) Mardi Gras Film Festival Melbourne Queer Film Festival Queerdoc New Zealand New Zealand International Film Festival
Austria Tricky Women Belgium Elles Tournent / Dames Draien Festival Du Film Gay Et Lesbien De Bruxelles Finland Season Film Festival France Cineffable Cineffable- Paris Lesbian Film Festival Films de Femmes Germany Berlin Feminist Film Week Female Filmmakers Festival Berlin (read our interview with the festival's founder here) Frankfurter Frauen Filmtage (organized by the Kinothek Asta Nielsen) Frauen Film Festival Freiburger Lesbenfilmtage E.V. Lesben Film Festival Berlin Lesbisch Schwule Filmtage Hamburg TransFormations - Trans Film Festival Berlin The Xposed International Queer Film Festival Ireland Dublin Feminist Film Festival Italy Broad Humor (Venice) Donne-Sguardi Altrove Immaginaria International Lesbian Film Festival L'Origine Del Mondo Women and Cinema Festival of Florence (Florence) Lithuania Serseliafam Women’s Film Festival (Vilnius) Norway Femmina International Film Festival Portugal Porto Femme International Film Festival Spain Fem Tour Truck Mostra Internacional de Films de Dones/ International Women's Film Festival, Barcelona Mujeres en Direccion/ Women Directing International Film Festival mujerDOC III INTERNATIONAL DOCUMENTARY FESTIVAL Sweden International Female Film Festival (Malmo) LadyBug Festival (Gothenburg) The Netherlands Arab Women's Film Festival Film Mor International Film Festival International Festival Turkey Filmmor Women's Film Festival on Wheels Flying Broom International Women's Film Festival UK Birds-Eye View Festival (London) Images of Black Women Festival (London) London Feminist Film Festival London Les Underwire (London) If you are in the Frankfurt am Main area in Germany, Femfilmfans strongly recommends that you check out this short film program at the Kinothek Asta Nielsen on June 9 at 4pm.
The program “Call of the Wild” invites girls and young women to the short film event, which also kicks off and introduces the quarterly film series “Keine Angst vorm Fliegen” (Not Afraid to Fly). For more info, see the German description below or go to www.kinothek-asta-nielsen.de/keineangst.html We are excited that the Kinothek Asta Nielsen is encouraging girls and young women to engage with films made by women and introduce them new opportunities in the film industry. —-- Keine Angst vorm Fliegen CALL OF THE WILD Kurzfilmprogramm für Mädchen und junge Frauen Wir laden Mädchen und junge Frauen zu einem Kurzfilmprogramm in die Kinothek ein und starten damit auch eine eigene Reihe. "Call of the Wild" ist der Titel dieses Kickoff-Programms: Es wird um tierisches Abdrehen, Party-Katastrophen und -Rettungen, feministischen Rap und Style-Begeisterung gehen. Das Programm ist der Auftakt zur Filmreihe „Keine Angst vorm Fliegen“, die in Zukunft vierteljährlich stattfindet. Interessierte Mädchen und junge Frauen sind zudem sehr herzlich eingeladen, zukünftig in einer Projektgruppe mitzumachen, die gemeinsam Filme anschaut, diskutiert und für die nächsten „Keine Angst vorm Fliegen“ – Termine auswählt. |